<From the catalogue>
Aniseed, Borage, Jasmine, Rosewood, White Pine
Little is known of Anna’s story, yet in Anna, Grandmother of Jesus by Claire Heartsong, her story is now available to us. Her life spanned across many hundreds of years and as the Grandmother of Yeshua shreds of her memory linger. A full initiate of Isis, Anna and the women and men who lived in conscious community aware of the gateways to consciousness they were here to open through the times the Christed drama unfolded and the evolvement of human consciousness. Now as we leave behind the Piscean Era and live in the final vestiges of the Kali Yuga, the Golden Era stands ready to be born into our world. There we find Anna and the Magdalens with us as guardians at the threshold of the era emerging and the evolutionary forces at play.
As Anna’s streaming consciousness met with that of Claire Heartsong in the unveiling of her story, we often found Anna in the fields lingering among the aromatic essences filling the air from the wild flowers in the hills she frequented. And, oh, how she loved the scent of pine!
In the creation of these blended aromatic essences, Anna’s presence was palpable and much to our surprise, Borage along with many of the aromas she adores were presented to us. The alchemy of this collaboration brought forth one of these most stable and unique oils at alchemist oils.
Anna understood how to work with these essences to support her in the Rites of the Sepulchre she practiced to rejuvenate her body. The essences of herbs, trees and flowers were a supportive dimension of her practice that allowed Anna to remain on the earth in a fit body of a woman in child-bearing years.
Is this a time, when we will recover such rites to ensure humanity’s passage into the next fold of time? Explore this essence and she what awakens.
We feel a special honor to live in a time of the remembering…
聖アンナについては詳しいことはほとんどわかっていませんが、クレア・ハートソングの小説「ANNA, the Voice of the Magdalenes 」で彼女の物語を読むことはできます。彼女の生命は何百年にもわたり、またイエスの祖母として彼女の存在は長く人の心にとどまっています。イシスのフルイニシエート(秘儀を修めた人)である聖アンナや目覚めた人たちのコミュニティに生きていた男女は、自分たちがキリスト的ドラマの時代を通して意識のゲートを開き、人類意識の進化を解放するために地球にいることに気づいていました。
2013年に入ってからCreative Power、Evolve、Grandmother、そしてAnnaという新たなブレンドが創られました。それぞれ今の状況に必要なブレンドということで新しく創られています。
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