

Rosemary (ローズマリー)

<From the Catalog>

Rosemary, Rosmarinus officinalis, Morocco

ファイル:ChristianBauer flowering rosemary.jpg
写真は wiki より
This silvery green plant with its needle shaped leaves was found growing extensively in the limestone cliffs along the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, thus the Latin name “ros” meaning dew or spray and “mare” which means sea. Rosemary plants may be grown in an herb garden, but the plants that grow in the light sandy soil of walls are smaller and the fragrance is more concentrated. Rosemary was one of the earliest plants to be used for food, healing and fumigation. Crushed into the reeds on the floors of medieval castles to ward off vermin and keep evil spirits at bay, it is also burnt in sacred ceremonies to invoke the Goddess. Rosemary has always been treated with a certain reverence and is frequently seen at weddings and funerals. Its vibration  supports loyalty towards others and oneself. Rosemary is also liberating. It can be used by those individuals breaking the bonds of co-dependence and is useful in liberating oneself from incest memories and emotions, as well as the  pain of heartbreak.
It was the habitat of the plant that suggested that it would be useful for treating ailments
of the kidney. It’s use soon extended to liver and respiratory complaints (strong antifungal
properties), muscular pain, circulatory ailments, aiding in digestion and for the treatment
of hair and skin problems. The flower essence helped to bring about clearer thinking. It
improves mental clarity, alertness,  and  memory.  It can  open sinuses, uplift moods,
especially in those with slow metabolisms. It has become a frequent ingredient in
shampoos and soap products. Rosemary clears drugs (medical or recreational) from the
energy field.
There are several types of Rosemary oils, the most common of these being the cineol type.
Rosemary verbenone is used to regulate the hypothalamic, pituitary and sexual glands.
Camphor, the second type, is the most popular. These are usually used for bronchial colds
but can also be used to combat candida.
Application: Use in diffuser or in a blend for massage of up to 20% in a carrier oil.
Topically, 4 - 10 drops. Avoid using on traumatized skin, pregnant women, or people with
high blood pressure.  It blends with Lavender, Lavandin, Peppermint, Eucalyptus, Cedar.


ローズマリー、 (学名:Rosmarinus officinalis)モロッコ産

この銀色がかった緑の植物は地中海沿岸の limestone cliffs と言われる崖のあたりで良く育っていることで知られています。そのため、ラテン語のスプレー或いはしずくを意味する “ros”と、海を意味する“mare”から名づけられました。ローズマリ―はハーブのお庭で育てることもできますが、乾いた土や崖などの生えるもののほうが小さく香りも濃厚です。最も早くに食用、癒し、消毒に利用されたものとしても有名です。



ローズマリーオイルには様々な種類がありますが、 シネオール型が最も流通しています。ローズマリー ・ベルベノンは視床下部や下垂体、生殖腺を制御するのに有効です。樟脳は2つ目のタイプで最も好まれています。気管支の風邪に利用されますが、カンジタ菌の退治にも利用できます。

利用方法: ディフーズするか、キャリアオイルで薄めて(最大20%まで)。または、4~10滴を局所に利用できますが、肌荒れがある場合、妊娠中、高血圧の場合は避けます。ラベンダー、ラヴェンディン、ペパーミント、ユーカリプトス、シダー と良くブレンドします。


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