Red Pine, Pinus resinosa, Canada

Red Pine grows in Northern America. It’s oil is very similar to the Cypress that grows in the Mediterranean region. It is traditionally used to avert negative influences. In Europe, the cemeteries were surrounded with these trees. This particular pine provides an Aromatic
essence that has similar characteristics to the Aromatic essence distilled from the Cypress tree. It harmonizes the energy field, especially between couples, as it allows love to flow between all living beings. It stimulates the adrenals glands and the circulatory system and is beneficial for the respiratory system as well. Application: Use in massage to help heal circulatory problems, such as varicose veins. Its companion oils are all the conifers, Rosemary, Eucalyptus, Angelica and Citronella.
レッドパイン、(学名:Pinus resinosa)、カナダ産
利用方法: 循環器系を調整するためトリートメントに利用すると良いでしょう。針葉樹系、ローズマリー、ユーカリプトス、アンジェリカやシトロネラと良くブレンドします
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