<From the Catalog>
TARA (Goddess of Peace and Abundance)
Eucalyptus, Palmarosa, Hyssop, Goldenrod, Myrrh & Frankincense
Goddess Tara is probably the oldest goddess who is still worshipped extensively in modern times. Tara originated as a Hindu goddess, the Mother Creator, representing the eternal life force that fuels all life. There are many embodiments of Tara, but the best known are the White Tara and the Green Tara. The peaceful, compassionate White Tara gently protects and brings long life and peace. The more dynamic goddess, Green Tara is the "Mother Earth", and a fierce goddess who overcomes obstacles, and saves us from physical and spiritual danger.
In Sanskrit, the name Tara means Star, but she was also called She Who Brings Forth Life, The Great Compassionate Mother, and The Embodiment of Wisdom, and the Great Protectress. Adopted by Buddhism, she become the most widely revered deity in the Tibetan pantheon. In Buddhist tradition, Tara is actually much greater than a goddess -- she is a female Buddha, an enlightened one was has attained the highest wisdom, capability and compassion. . . one who can take human form and who remains in oneness with the every living thing. In the legends of Tibet where the worship of the Goddess Tara is still practiced in the Buddhist tradition, it is told that the goddess Tara is the feminine counterpart of the Avalokitesvara, the Buddha who is reincarnated as the Dalai Lama.
Goddess Tara in her many incarnations has many gifts to share with contemporary women. Tara embodies the feminine strengths of great caring and compassion, the ability to endure stressful and even terrifying moments, the acts of creation, and the source of sustenance and protection. Refugees fleeing the horrors of the occupation of Tibet by the Chinese armies recounted numerous stories of the Green Tara that protected them during their torture and guided their flight to freedom. In other of her forms, such as the White Tara, she embodied inner peace and spiritual acceptance. She symbolizes purity and is thought to be part of every good and virtuous woman.
To bring peace and harmony in relationships: couple and family members
Apply 2/3 drops under the feet around
Apply 2/3 drops under the feet around
タラ:多羅菩薩 (豊かさと平和の女神)
ユーカリプトス, パルマローザ, ヒソップ, ゴールデンロッド, ミルラ & フランキンセンス
サンスクリット語では、「タラ」は星を意味しますが、同時にタラは「生命をもたらす者。慈愛に満ちた母、叡智と守護の化身」とも呼ばれていました。仏教の流れを汲んだタラは、その後 チベットで厚く信仰されてきました。伝統的な仏教の世界では、タラは女神という言葉は似つかわしくない大きな存在です。-- 彼女は仏陀の化身であり、高き叡智と慈愛、可能性を持つ者… 人類とその他の存在が1つであることを思い起こさせる存在です。チベットでは、今でもタラを信仰しています。チベットの伝説ではタラは アーリア・アヴァローキテーシュヴァラ(聖観音)の女性としての化身であり、アヴァローキテーシュヴァラは仏陀の生まれ変わり、つまりダライ・ラマなのです。
☆ Tara (多羅菩薩)
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