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Archangel Raphael:
Rosemary, Laurel, Clary Sage, White Angelica, Hyssop
Absolute healer he is the shining light, the one who heals. This essence is to support the healing process. Archangel Raphael is credited with healing the earth and its inhabitants, and is also associated with the Egyptian Hermes who brought Sacred Geometry and Alchemy to mankind. The alchemy of transformation takes place inside us at the moment when we can bring the light of God in our soul, when we can bring more of pure love into matter. That is Alchemy
in its most spiritual sense. If you are going through a difficult period of change, invoke the name of Raphael without hesitation. If beauty, health and fitness are your concerns, you can be supported by the force of Raphael. If your
body is in pain, call upon Raphael's wisdom to help you create the alchemical bridge between your mind, body and spirit. May his shining light assist you in the alchemy of transformation and help you achieve the sacred union of male and female energies, of spirit into matter, of heaven on earth. --- Apply a few drops to your heart chakra. Take a few minutes to absorb the healing energy of Raphael.
Archangel Raphael (大天使ラファエル)
--- 数滴をハートチャクラにつけてください。ゆっくりラファエルが持つ癒しのエネルギーを感じてみましょう。
疲れている時や 自分が変化の渦中でエネルギーダウンを感じているときには 本当に良いオイルです。凝り固まった部分が少しずつほどけて行くのを感じられるでしょう。ラファエルの香りで癒され、ゆっくりお休みになってください。
今日の一本 アロマリーディング MZオイル【Archangel Raphael】 (外部ブログです)
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