The Rose has traditionally been associated with Venus, goddess of love and beauty. To the Christian mystics, it was the flower of the Virgin Mary. There are thousands of different varieties of roses. Rosa damascena is normally used to produce Rose Aromatic essenceand the main production comes from Bulgaria and Turkey. The rose petals are handpicked before the dew evaporates. They are then steam distilled to produce the essential oil. It is almost clear in color and will solidify if placed in a cool place (a sign you‘ve a distilled oil).
The Rosa centifolia or cabbage rose is another variety which is normally used to produce rose absolute in Morocco and Tunisia using “solvent extraction.” Its oil has a reddish color. Both Rose oils are very costly, each drop is equivalent to 25 hand-picked roses. Therefore, they are regularly adulterated by profit-hungry companies, so be wary and buy only from a reliable aromatherapy source.
Of all the essential oils, Rose oil has the highest vibration. It radiates love, whether physical or unconditional. If you experience grief, this oil helps in opening the heart chakra again resulting in a faster recovery. It also strengthens the heart energy and helps radiate unconditional love. It helps with healing birth traumas. It is a gentle aphrodisiac, facilitates creativity, and spiritualizes sexual encounters. It is a PRECIOUS oil.
Application: Place a drop on the heart or dilute with a good massage oil and spread it all
over your body.
ローズ、(学名: Rosa damascene)、ブルガリア産
ローズは、伝統的にヴィーナス、女神、愛と美と深い関わりがあり、キリスト教徒たちにとっては、聖母マリアを象徴しています。ローズには、1000種類以上のものが存在し、"Rosa damascena"は、ローズの精油を蒸留するのに利用され、主にブルガリアやトルコで収穫されます。ローズの花弁は、そのみずみずしさが失われる前に手作業で丁寧に収穫され、蒸留されます。色は透明に近いですが、寒い場所にいくと固まります(精油になった証拠です)。"Rosa centifolia"或いは"cabbage rose"は異なる種類で、ローズアブソリュートオイルの生成に利用されます。こちらは、主にモロッコやチュニジアで収穫され、“solvent extraction.”という方法で作られます。この場合は、できあがったオイルは赤みがかっています。
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