<From the Catalog>
Canadian Tsuga, Tsuga Canadensis, Canada
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for its summit branch bending toward the East. Jean Dessureault, aromatherapist and distiller of essential oils in Quebec since 1986, recommends this oil for its quality as a
breathing tonic. It is useful for people suffering from asthma and respiratory weakness.
Anne Meurois-Givaudan found in her work, that it helps to calm and prepare both terminally ill patients and individuals who are moving to the final stage of their life on earth as it helps you get in the "here and now," so you can reduce fears and anguish for those that find it difficult to let go. It also alleviates anxiety and stimulates mental grounding.
“Yes, I love Tsuga,” Mikaël said, “and I use it a lot as it helps people breathe better, sleep, adjust to new surroundings (including jet lag), avoid fear, bring harmony, fight disease.
Many good results have been reported when used to help dying persons make their transitions in peace as it opens subtle doors.” It is good for mental fixation and it helps
with circulation and the production of adrenaline. You will feel more energized and uplifted.
Application: Use full strength (4 to 8 drops) in slow and delicate massage on feet and upper chest. Breathe it consciously, put a few drops on your solar plexus, 5th chakra or your hands. If you are too tense to meditate, put a few drops of Tsuga on palms and apply it to the adrenals, in the middle of your back. If you travel, make sure to carry a bottle of Canadian Tsuga with you, as it promotes a smooth transition and prepares you for the energies of the countries you are visiting. For Europe, add Lavender and Sage; for Asia, Palmarosa; for the South, some Citrus (lemon,
orange); for Africa, add Basil. Apply the oils 2-3 days before departure, on your hands and
feet. Do the same while you are on the plane and for 2-3 days afterwards. It blends well with conifers...
カナダツガ、(学名:Tsuga Canadensis)、カナダ産
このカナダに生息する優雅な針葉樹は、ケベック(訳注:ミカエルザヤットが住んでいる場所です)やアメリカ東北部で見られます。この木は、そのてっぺんの枝が東を向くことから別名では"Eastern Hemlock"とも言われています。1986年よりケベックに在住するアロマセラピストであり、蒸留家である Jean Dessureault は、呼吸を助けるトニックとして利用することを推奨しています。喘息や呼吸器で苦しむ方々には効果的でしょう。また、Anne Meurois-Givaudan は、「今、ここ」という感覚を醸成してくれるため、人生の最後のステージを生きる人々を恐れから助け、手放すプロセスを促進してくれると結論づけています。不安から解放され、グラウンディングするのに有効です。
カナダツガは、MZオイルでは沢山のブレンドに利用されています。マリ―おばさんのところへお邪魔した時には、本当に大きな カナダツガの瓶が置いてありました。
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