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Eucalyptus officinalis, Eucalyptus radiata, Australia
When we hear the name “Australia” many of us immediately think of koala bears and eucalyptus trees. In the wild, they can be found in Tasmania, New South Wales, and Australia, where they began 35 - 50 million years ago. "Eucalyptus", the name which was assigned to this tree in the 1790’s, is a concoction of two Greek words: "eu" which means "well" and "kalypto" which means "I cover", and refers to a covering, which is over the flower until it is ready to bloom. .
The Eucalyptus, which grows very quickly and can reach a height of 60 - 70 feet, protects itself against insects and pests by exuding a gummy substance on its trunk which drowns the bugs. The spread of these trees to other parts of the world is due to its association with halting the spread of malaria in areas where they grew. The trees’ root system absorbs a large quantity of water, drying out the swampy marshes and eliminating the breeding ground for mosquitoes.
There are over 600 varieties of Eucalyptus and they come in all shapes and sizes but are all strong and resistant to drought and disease. Eucalyptus was used as a poultice by the Aborigines to cure sores and open wounds. The main varieties, which are used for essential oils, are E. radiata and E. globulus. The oil extracted from its leaves is an effective expectorant. At the 1888 World’s Fair in Melbourne, it was used as an inhalant to treat 26 diphtheria patients. All but two recovered.
Eucalyptus has a strong, fresh odor and is frequently used to deodorize closets and dresser drawers. It is an effective insect repellent, good for discouraging mosquitoes and driving away silverfish and cockroaches. Eucalyptus oil is good for respiratory ailments and is a key ingredient in Vaporub, cough drops and cough syrups. It is also a natural disinfectant and has been used as a spray in sick rooms. It has anti-fungal and antimicrobial characteristics. Its anti-viral properties make it appropriate to use for relief of flu and cold symptoms. To relieve an earache, place one drop on a cotton ball, place it on the entrance of the ear canal and massage around the ear.
Application: It can be used in massage of the upper back to stop coughing. It works well in diffusers. It blends well with Balsam Fir, Rosemary and Oregano.
ユーカリプトス (学名:Eucalyptus radiata)、オーストラリア産
「オーストラリア」という名前を聞くと、まず最初に思い浮かぶのがコアラとユーカリでしょう。ユーカリの木は、自然の中では3500万年~5000万円前から生息していたと言われるタスマニア、ニューサウスウェールズ、オーストラリアで見られます。 "Eucalyptus"の名前は、1790年代にギリシャ語の「健康」という意味の"eu"と「カバーする」という意味の"kalypto"。花が咲く直前まで隠されたままであることからつけられました。ユーカリはとても早く成長し、60 - 70フィート(180~210m)にまで成長します。樹皮からガムのような物質を出すことによって害虫や病気から身を守ります。この液で害虫が溺れるのです。この木はマラリアから人々を守るために他の地域にも植えられました。根は沢山の水を吸い込み、じめじめとした湿地を乾かし、蚊が生息しにくい環境をつくるのです。
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