

Archangel Metatron (大天使メタトロン)

<From the Catalog>

Archangel Metatron:

Red Pine, White Pine, Basil; White Angelica, Cinnamon, Clove

wiki より
STRENGTH, GUIDANCE and INSPIRATION. Most powerful one, he is the angel of liberation and known for making the link between the humans and the divine. Metatron is a mysterious figure, one of the most important angels in the heavenly hierarchy, He carries many names and is identified as the most sacred, unpronounceable name of God. Metatron occupies the throne next to the divine throne. He is known for having been the prophet Enoch, a scribe with immense knowledge. Call upon him when you need protection, strength to change and expand your limits with confidence and simplicity. It will help you break off your old bonds, habits and insecurities, and reach a new level of consciousness --- Put 3 drops into palms, rub together firmly for 30 seconds, then inhale the aroma and brush your aura, or someone else to get rid of any negative influence. To purify a space, or after a death, put 5 drops in each corner of the room starting from the East. Can also rub 3-4 drops on lower back for strength, self confidence and trust as the angel watches over you.


Archangel Metatron (大天使め)

レッドパイン、 ホワイトパインバジル、ホワイトアンジェリカ、シナモンクローブ


--- 3滴を手の平に垂らして30秒間ゆっくりと広げます。香りを吸い込みオーラを洗うか、取り込んだ不要なエネルギーの部分につけます。死の空間を浄化する際にも利用できます。東側から お部屋の隅に5滴を利用しましょう。3~4滴を背中につけるとパワーや自信、そしてあなたを見守る天使たちへの信頼を高めてくれるでしょう。


『今日の一本 アロマリーディング MZオイル 【ARCHANGEL METATRON】』

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